Q: What are the shipping options?
A: All items are shipped First Class via USPS. Items can be shipped within the United States & Internationally.
Q: Are there any international taxes, duties, etc. that I have to pay?
A: Any international taxes or duties are the responsibility of the purchaser. The amount due will be based on the dollar amount of your order based on your individual country's rate. Please look up the information for your own country to understand the process better.
Q: When will I receive my order?
A: In order to provide you with as many products as possible, multiple items will be shipped from multiple print warehouses. Please allow 7-10 days for processing, and normal First Class shipping times. International orders will have a longer shipping time.
Q: What do I do if I receive a defective order?
A: If the item arrives looking different that what you expected, please contact me via email: swag@gingerbreadcutterco.com
Q: How do I make sure I order the right size?
A: Shirt listings should have a size chart for reference. Also, in the product description, it will say whether the sizing runs true, or otherwise. So if the sizing information says it runs smaller, then I advise ordering 1-2 sizes larger.
Still have questions?? Email me at swag@gingerbreadcutterco.com and I will be happy to help! -Linda